Sunday, March 20, 2011

by Peggy Sweeney

     Ever mindful of the need to help adults and children cope with the devastation of grief, I recently designed a bi-monthly Journeys Through Grief newsletter for Grimes Funeral Chapels in Kerrville, Texas; my place of employment.
     Although we usually associate grief with the death of a loved one, the newsletter will address an array of losses such as divorce, job loss, geographical relocation, disabling illness or injury to name a few. We will explore the many facets of grief, the reasons we grieve, our reactions to loss and trauma in addition to healing our grief. Most of you already know that unpleasant events can and often do have a very negative effect on your emotional health and physical well-being. As your guide for understanding grief, I will share my personal struggles with grief as well as offer positive coping skills and resources to help you resolve many of your issues. I will invite others to share their personal stories of grief and reinvestment in life. Noted experts in the fields of mental health and bereavement will contribute articles on such topics as depression and suicide, journaling, activities to reduce stress, etc. The Journeys Through Grief newsletter will also highlight books of interest and helpful websites to assist you in your healing.
     Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is a particular topic of interest you would like to see featured or a book you found helpful along life’s journey. You may contact me at

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